Ahh bugs!

Update 0.05 Released!

I didn't think I would make a release again so soon but some ugly bugs were present in the last release. :(

In squashing those bugs I started to look into some more long standing annoying issues. These were things like glitchy gem movement (you have a logitech mouse with the annoying click problems you may have noticed this) and the board never returning control to the player in certain situations.

Previously I spent a bit of time troubleshooting these issues and never full solved them. I put in some workarounds that helped but it was time to try to solve them properly.

So in this release there are a lot of under the hood changes. A lot of the code for core parts of the game (board/gem handling, location states etc.) were written quickly when I was prototyping and just continually added onto as I added more features. They were in bad need of refactoring because debugging issues was become really frustrating!

Most major parts of the game have been refactored to use the Finite State Machine pattern now. This has made debugging much easier and hopefully all or most of the show stopping bugs are gone.

Here is a summary of the fixes:

  • Fixed timing and synchronization of gem effects like transforming, breaking and creating so they don't conflict with each other and cause hanging of the board states
  • Fixed grabbing and releasing gem behaviour so quick release and re-clicking doesn't create weird movement.
  • Fixed a major issue where the Claim and Reject buttons would not appear when completing the Weekly Quest
  • Fixed some quests not really working properly. (eg. Farmer's Tools)
  • Fixed the map dragging. (Right click and hold to drag map around)
  • Many smaller fixes.

And some extra things added:

  • NPCs and some animals now wander around the map. Just a little touch to try to make the world a little more alive.
  • Enhanced the Level Info to show which stage rewards repeat. Also show the possible side bonuses. This is helpful if you are hunting down specific items.
  • Added map dragging for touch screens. Use two fingers to drag the map around.
  • Increased the number of save game slots to 8.
  • Tweaked the gem breaking particle effects on web and mobile.
  • Added an option to force disabling of CPU particles (try to use GPU particles) for non-web versions. Note: this will probably crash IOS devices. The game will revert back to CPU particles when you restart it though.

Check it out!

Browser Version


PuzzleCrossingWindows_0.05.zip 49 MB
Sep 17, 2023

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