Fill your bags!

During my playtesting of the new farm area I had to do a lot of rebalancing and tweaking. One of the big reasons why is that it would be really hard to earn rewards at the Silo if the player was only getting a couple seed bags or wheat every level. So I made it a lot easier to get certain items. Their resale value is low but they will help the player fill the silo faster and earn sweet rewards. I think it is fun to earn a bunch of stuff once in awhile too so I will probably expand this approach to other parts of the game. 

Of course not everything will be easy to get but I do want players to get rewarded without too much grinding. The game isn't designed for the player to eternally grind anyways. ;)

I also found dragging each different item to separate drop icons was a pain so I redesigned the Silo interface. I think it works pretty good. I am not sure yet if I should add a "Deposit All" button as donations to the Silo are irreversible.

As for the release I plan to playtest through the first map and then package up the next beta. So hopefully I can still make it for this week!

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